...is a different kind of art experience.
Paintings, Sculptures, Audio, Video and a few surprises.
SEPTEMBER 18th 5-9 PM at Elleven2 in 78th Street Studios Cleveland
Artist Bili Kribbs created his own world to play in. A place where his colorful whimsical creatures are ever evolving into something stranger. The Extravaganza of Strange is a celebration of these.
Come visit inhabitants of Relm; An imaginary place filled with creepy-crawlies, monsters and surreal characters of every kind. They are celebrating The Extravaganza of Strange and you can join in!
Attendees of this event can view the paintings and sculptures in the gallery space. But every so often things will change. The lights change to a surreal black-lit room revealing different images in the artwork.
(demo video/gif loop)
Sounds and animated lights fill the room until everything reaches its peek and…
The room resets to normal house lights…
Until it begins again.
(carousel of paintings)
A different place, a hidden world
Evolution like ours but more twists and curls.
Blurring the line between nightmare and day-dreams
Friendly beasts, odd creatures, and Monstrous fiends.
But they’ve bid farewell to hatred and angst,
They've abandoned the need to compete for ranks.
A great gala occurrs where they all come to celebrate.
A rejection of violence, tribalism and hate.
Their heart’s priority, they did so rearrange.
So they could all come to honor…
The Extravaganza of Strange.
(carousel of Sculpture)